Estaturik gabeko nazioak. Posible al da komunikazio-agenda nazionala?

15:00 Europako Parlamentua - Gela ASP 1G3 - 60, Rue Wiertz - 1047 Brussels

Horixe da Ezkerraberri fundazioak irailaren 28an Europako Parlamentuaren egoitzan antolatu duen jardunaldiaren izenburua. Europako hainbat naziok beren agenda komunikatibo propioa antolatzeko dituzten desafioak eta zailtausunak aztertu nahi dira eta azterketa horretatik guztientzat baliagarriak izan daitezkeen ondorioak atera nahi dira.

Jardunaldia Ezkerraberri fundazioak, Centre Maurits Coppieters europar fundazioak eta Europako Parlamentuko Berdeak-ALE taldeak antolatzen dute. Jill Evans europarlamentario galesak aterpetuko du jardunaldia.

Programa eta izen-ematea:


15:00 h - Opening remarks

MEP Jill Evans

15:10 h - Introductory lecture: ‘Stateless nations and media in Europe. A general vision’

Günther Rautz, Secretary General of MIDAS, The European Association of Daily Newspapers in Minority and Regional Languages

Mr. Rautz will give a general overview of the situation of the media on minority and regional languages in Europe which could help to describe the context of the conference: diffusion, impact, business models, private & public media, relationships with main media, challenges, good practices...

15:50 h - Panel 1: Is a national communication agenda possible?

  • Edorta AranaUniversity of the Basque Country,
  • Ifan Morgan JonesBangor University,
  • Germà Capdevila, editor of Esguard digital weekly magazine and president of APPEC the association of editors of Catalonia
  • Olivia Martina Dalla Torre, University of Corsica

Panellist will discuss the situation of media in each of their nations and the challenges of setting up a national communication agenda.

17:00 h - Panel 2: How can social media help to push forwards our national agenda?

  • Pilar Kaltzada, Basque communication expert
  • Rocío Castro, Galician journalist

Panellist will explore the possibilities that social media could offer a way to create a national communication agenda.

17:40 h - Panel 3. How to address to a bilingual/multilingual society?

  • Jordi Sebastià, Former MEP and journalist,
  • Beatriz Zabalondo, University of the Basque Country

Most of the Stateless nations have their own language, that is different from the state's official language and a lot of them are in a minority situation. Panellist will discuss strategies that could help deal with that bilingual/multilingual situation and, at the same time, normalize the minority language.

18:20 h - Closing remarks


Practical notes:

There will be interpretation in the official languages of the EFA-Greens group and from the Basque, Catalan, Galician and Welsh.